
Saturday, February 19, 2011


It's officially not Valentine's Day anymore, thus I don't have to have an all-pink blog! Wahoo! Hmmm... Now for a cool new background...
If any of ya peeps think of a cool one, just give me a shout out in a comment :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Almost Valentine's Day!

As all of you know, It's almost Valentine's Day! I like it, candy, cards, everything in pink. OK, maybe not all of it, but I do like the things that I mentioned. Actually, I don't like the fact that every thing is either in pink, or red. Red is OK I guess, but I must say, pink is not my favorite color. I know what you're thinking if i don't like pink, why is my blog covered in it? Well, I was just getting in the spirit, being the day before the day before Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Forget my last post.

Well, the tittle (if that how you spell it?) is pretty much self-explanitory (How do you spell that?!) Just simply forget the last post I made on here. If right now you are thinking, "Why don't you just delete it?!" "Duh!" Stop thinking things that could hurt other people's feelings. Notice that I said could. No! Not me! I'm not going to get my feelings hurt. If you didn't know, I take critisiom Very well.* I will not delete it because the post is dedicated to someone. Or more like two someones. That would be rude to just delete a post that was dedicated to someone. that would be like getting rid of the dedication page in a book, or like destroying a memorial statue or something like that, and putting a mall there. Although a mall would be nice... OK maybe not something that important, but you get the picture. So I'm just not going to get rid of it. OK?
-Mag :} *

I do know that the word critisiom, is not spelled right. No need to correct me.

There is no way to make a face, that doesn't look weird, or angry, and when I just do eyes, (which I would very much like to do) It just doesn't look right. You know what I mean?