
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Forget my last post.

Well, the tittle (if that how you spell it?) is pretty much self-explanitory (How do you spell that?!) Just simply forget the last post I made on here. If right now you are thinking, "Why don't you just delete it?!" "Duh!" Stop thinking things that could hurt other people's feelings. Notice that I said could. No! Not me! I'm not going to get my feelings hurt. If you didn't know, I take critisiom Very well.* I will not delete it because the post is dedicated to someone. Or more like two someones. That would be rude to just delete a post that was dedicated to someone. that would be like getting rid of the dedication page in a book, or like destroying a memorial statue or something like that, and putting a mall there. Although a mall would be nice... OK maybe not something that important, but you get the picture. So I'm just not going to get rid of it. OK?
-Mag :} *

I do know that the word critisiom, is not spelled right. No need to correct me.

There is no way to make a face, that doesn't look weird, or angry, and when I just do eyes, (which I would very much like to do) It just doesn't look right. You know what I mean?

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